LibraryWell Solution

We Serve Technology Simply. Let's make Digital India!

Why Get LibraryWell?

Managing an entire library is not as simple as it sounds. From memberships and subscriptions to issuing and getting back your books, library management can actually turn out to be one big headache!

The LibraryWell advanced library management software lets you simplify the management of your entire library using scalable dedicated modules. Stop wasting hours on maintaining paper records, eliminate human errors and negligence, get LibraryWell!

Key Features Of LibraryWell

Accessibility Via Barcode Scanner

Establish a simplified database of all your books, magazines and other documents via LibraryWell’s integrated barcode scanner. Find out where and in which rack you can find the requested book in a matter of few clicks.

Membership Management

Register your existing and new members to LibraryWell’s membership management module easily using their contact details. Maintain a record of their visits, purchases and subscriptions.

Track Your BooksBooks

LibraryWell helps you avoid losing your books to members and non-members. Find out the date of issue, issuer’s name and all other necessary details straight from your dashboard.

Helpful Reports

The LibraryWell system generates user-friendly reports that help you assess your library’s monthly revenues, subscriptions, membership growth, and a lot more.